Lets watch the most unique birds of Suriname

More than 750 species of birds occur in Suriname. On our day trips we show you a nice selection of species common in Suriname. We offer the following day trips: The Peperpot, the Chocopot, the Road to Sea and the Savannah bird tour.

1. Peperpot is located in the Commewijne district and is an old coffee and cocoa plantation with very high natural values. Since 2009 it has been managed by the Peperpot Natuurbos Foundation.

In addition to the many bird species that occur here, we also have a chance of seeing Puma, Pale throated three-toed Sloth and various monkey species. When the Inga and Erytryna bloom in Peperpot, it is very attractive all kinds of hummingbird species. In addition to the colorful and agile hummingbirds, there are also a number special bird species, including Blackish Antbird, Green-tailed Jacamar, Cream-colored Woodpecker, Blood-colored Woodpecker and Arrowhead Piculet.

2. Chocopot is a relict of a once much larger Zwampbos. It covers about 100 hectares. A walking path cuts the grove in the middle. From the path we can see many bird species sightings, including the Crimson-hooded manakin. This has been around for over 10 years observed this place. When searching the tall trees we have a chance to see the Great
to encounter potoo. A well-camouflaged nightjar species that looks suspiciously similar on a tree stump and is therefore possible. The name is Chocopot probably given after a Belgian researcher once observed Cocoa Thrush here.
We will therefore look for this special thrush. In addition to the many bird species, we also look for the mammals of the forest, including Pale-throated Sloth, Linnaeus two-toed Sloth, Red howler monkey and Squirrel monkey.

3. Road to Sea is located northwest of Paramaribo. Here we look for the rare Rufous crab Hawk. We also have a chance of seeing Scarlet Ibis and Black Skimmers. At low tide many wintering waders are found here, including Semipalmated sandpiper, Least sandpiper and Hudsonian whimbrel. In the narrow creeks next to the road we can observe Solitary sandpiper and American Pygmy kingfisher.




What makes this tour special

1 Only day tour to the real jungle of Suriname
2 Beautiful flora and fauna
3 Attractive price
4 Good combination between nature and action
5 No malaria
6 Departure for 2 people (on regular days)

Transportation by SUV/ bus
Travel time 8 hours
Departure time* 5:45 am
Back in Paramaribo 7:00 PM
Regular departure From monday – sunday 

Cream-colored Woodpecker
Distinctive yellow woodpecker of lowland Amazonia. Bright creamy yellow overall with short creamy crest, brown wings and tail, and yellow bill, male has red moustache. Usually found in seasonally flooded and swampy forested areas, but can be found outside those habitats occasionally in other forested areas. Listen for a loud, descending series of whistles. "PEE-pee-pee-peer."
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Paradise Tanager
Small, stunningly colorful tanager of Amazonian lowlands. Bright green head contrast with red, blue and black body. Sexes alike. Often quite common within its range. Found in the canopy of humid forest. often in mixed-s=ecies flocks. Likes to stay high in the canopy, but occasionally moves lower into the midstory, moving quickly between perches as it forages.
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Red-and-Green Macaw
Enormous parrot with a long pointed tail, a red head and body with mostly blue wings and green wing coverts. It has a white face with distinct red stripes.
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Black-faced Hawk
Smallish chunky hawk. Identifiable by size, shape and prominent black mask contrasting with orange cere. Generally rare. Inhabits wet forests where it hunts from the mid-level tot the ground, often perches well below canopy level.
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  • Day tour | € 125,- p.p
  •  2 days  | € 250,- p.p
  • 3 days | € 400,- p.p 
  • Multiple days also available 

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